Hi, I am Aru, your transformational coach
I am an accredited ICF PCC transformational leadership coach, wife, mom of a 21-year-old son, electronic music lover and Inner Development Goals buff.
For over 50 years I have felt that life has been an uphill struggle, sprinkled with some occasional beautiful memories.
And this has been the norm until I took my inner transformation in my own hands, and was able to change an inner sense of loss, fear and sadness into a life full of joy, enthusiasm, peace and purpose.
When life is a battle
I thought that feeling sad, hopeless and unfulfilled was normal, that it was something that I just had to put up with, that life is tough
Ever since can I remember, I felt that something was not right in me. A feeling of loss, deep sadness, and a sense of having a wasted, unfulfilled life. I felt I needed to be fixed.
And I blamed it all outside.
On my childhood or getting married too soon at 20, at not finishing my studies and I hoped that love would save me.
I blamed it on my son's birth with congenital heart desease, or on a failing marriage I didn't know how to fix.
I blamed it on a flailing job that I stumbled upon where I found myself wasting away fixing problems. And I hoped an EMBA would fix it.
And finally, I was swamped in so much hardship and struggle, in financial strains and debts that kept me tied to a job that I hated, just to survive.
Mounting weight gain and an uphill battle with my mental health made it tougher. I ended up with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, unemployed and unable to work for more than 3 hours a day.

My Story
How I became Aru
I felt lost, I felt unfulfilled, I felt my life had no meaning, no purpose, no reason for being.
Years of counselling, psychoanalysis, talk therapy, chakra healing, pendulum and crystal healing, and reading, lots and lots of reading. To try to understand what was wrong with me, why there was an extremely sad, fearful inner child wanting to heal.
And a search for healing, for meaning, for purpose, that drove me into the depths of self development, to find a way. I knew, deep down in me that there was a way.
Yes, of course, there were moments of inspired magic, moments of love, incredible fulfilment in watching my son Alex grow into a music career and finding love again.
Or in finally finding my path through coaching guided by the Universe, from a random visualisation when I visualised myself becoming a coach.

I was lost
The main struggle was finding the right person who would understand me and would help
I became very involved in the Inner Development Goals movement, a foundation whose mission is to bring the power of inner development to global challenges faced by humanity. And that was the moment that I began tapping into my inner world through IDG gatherings and events that I co-facilitated and co-created.
And yes, I was on to something.
Presence and love. A space of deep emotional healing through powerful tools and techniques.
And then it happened. I finally realised that it is all up to me. I don't need fixing. All I need is to choose who I want to be. I stoped being the victim, and began being the player of my life. I looked at my ego face to face, and decided to transform it into the person I deserve to be.

I was invited to a facilitated 6 month Inner Development journey in Greece, Boston and Costa Rica in 2024.
Throught the power of intention, and in a beautiful Cloud Forest in Costa Rica, I walked my sad inner girl through a paved path to a hummingbird garden. I assured her that she did not need to be sad any longer. She can stop being sad and fearful.
I looked up and saw the hummingbirds, the exact same hummingbirds that you see in this photograph, courtesy of my dear friend Gerasimos Kouvaras, AFIAP, who shared the journey with me.
And I made the choice. The choice of being joyful and live life with enthusiasm. The choice of transforming my inner self and inner identity, moulding it into the person I want to be.
And the choice of changing my name. I was known as Vanessa, meaning Butterfly, since I adopted it after my Indian marriage at 20. I became Aru, a short version of my birth name, Aruna.
I chose to let go of the transformation I had done on my own for so many years, to let go of Vanessa, and become Aru, my true self. Calm, light and grace.
And it was then that I finally ready to help transform others.

My path was self made
But you are not alone. I will walk by your side to help you in your journey to self discovery and transformation
Mi mission is to inspire and empower leaders in a journey of inner development, a transformational journey that will take you from feeling lost, sad and uninspired, to a sense of presence, calm and joy.
A sense of being that will help you create the the life you will LOVE living, to be able to impact positively people around you, and that will lead you to do the work you so crave to do. To fulfil your true purpose in life, and to create a legacy and a memorable footprint ahead of you.
Now I have taken my experience, my knowledge and the power of the exact path and techniques that helped me move forward, and put it at your service to help you with your path to inner transformation.

I was exactly where you are now

You can achieve this too!
Next Steps
We get together on a call and discover what is keeping you stuck and holding you back
As we identify your challenge I will walk you on a journey through individual coaching
Discover your value and strenghts and live your life authentically
Schedule a discovery call
Activate your transformation
Live connected with purpose

Experience real change
I am ICF accredited PCC coach, with over 1200 hours of experience. I am trained as a Conscious Leadership coach, Team and Group coach and Inner Development facilitator
I work with my clients so we can get to the root of what is keeping you unfulfilled. We work together to unlock what is holding you back from the life you want, and then we work on a step by step plan to help you create it. I’m with you on the entire journey from start to finish.
You will find purpose, confidence, and freedom when you develop authenticity, self-awareness, and inner development.